What is MS?
Multiple Sclerosis is a chronic and incurable inflammatory disease caused by the body's own immune system attacking the nervous system. The brain and spinal cord are damaged. MS effects the brain, the vision, the speech, the muscles, the bowels, the bladder, etc., the entire nervous system.
How do people live with MS?
I wonder about ... my aunt who lives each day with this crippling, painful disease.
Sitting in her wheelchair, she smiles at you. To look at her you would think that she never feels pain, but I am certain she suffers a great deal. She no longer is able to prepare meals and must depend on her husband, my uncle, to aid her in just about every aspect of her care from bathing and eating to combing her hair.
I am thankful for my aunt and her sweet spirit and I rejoice
that new medications, exercise and improved therapies are
now availlable for those with MS.
You can learn about the National MS Society and how it supports and funds research for
MS, as well as how to become an MS Research Champion by clicking this link.
TheMSMovement.org, another great resource, is an online social network that connects those with MS, as well as their families and friends.
As I think more about my aunt and her fight with MS, I am further encouraged by a cousin and dear friend, for they too have this nerve wretching disease. These three courageous folks continue on with their smiles, living one day at a time with constant pain that is sure to challenge their very being and must at times seem more than they might think they can bear. Yet each of these three, live each day with hope and press on with their faith and renewed strength. I count it a privilege to know them, they are indeed brave warriors in their fight; but be encouraged my family and friends: the battle that each of you face is soon to be over and MS will be no more!
This wonder has been answered, tomorrow brings another...
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