While millions of people play games on Facebook apps daily, such as Bubble Blitz, Farmville and more, a dedicated group of Facebook ‘s Rewarder.com app fans are seeking answers, sniffing out clues and doing the research to help others realize their dreams or perhaps just find that fave shoe that fits perfectly.
1. Complete your profile and verification steps – Providing as much information about yourself as you feel is necessary at this point, as well as what you feel comfortable with, can boost your levels and points to help you unlock maximum Rewarder benefits. As you get to know the app and get a feel for how it works along with the Rewarder team responses, you can always add more to your profile and complete more verification steps.
2. Take a tour - View the FAQ, How it Works, About and Terms of Use sections. Get to know Rewarder. The more you know on the front end not only makes it easier to navigate for maximum benefit, it also allows you to have greater confidence, as you see what this company is all about and what it stands for (i.e. helping people).
3. Get Social – Since Rewarder is a Facebook app, you can easily invite all your FB friends to join you in playing detective, learning and helping others while earning cash via PayPal or gift certificates to use on Amazon. With just one click, you can send out an invite. In addition, you can invite former schoolmates as well. You’ll be able to “LIKE” and “PIN IT” along with showing your connections just how special a neat reward is and remind them that they, too, can do exactly what you’re doing.
4. Get Started – Select your first Reward and dive in, to give it a try. With the Easy to Win category, you can get off to a simple start. A bit of advice here: look for the Prepaid Reward sticker for the fastest, most reliable return on some cash. Rewards that say, “Reward Creator rarely responds” can be fun, but don’t set your hopes too high in the beginning, especially.
5. Rinse and repeat – Setting a daily goal of submissions is a healthy, active way to stay focused on using Rewarder effectively. Even making two submissions a day can result in seeing your money bank build consistently. For an extra added boost, explore Rewarder Wednesday (win $25 next day via PayPal by finding the Mystery Reward) and keep abreast of any special contests or promotions, such as $20 for a 15-second testimonial video recording.
Once you’ve found your niche on Rewarder, stick with it, but don’t be afraid to venture outside your comfort zone now and then, too. The sky’s the limit on this fun app, and helping others is the icing on the cake. ~
Follow this link to see Rewarder on San Francisco's ABCnewsbayarea TV http://t.co/u7PXU0dc
Follow this link to see Rewarder on San Francisco's ABCnewsbayarea TV http://t.co/u7PXU0dc
Personal note: Deb Ryan has been using Rewarder only a short time, yet she has won on Rewarder Wednesday four times (equals $100) already. She has also received a $20 reward for a 15-sec video testimonial. In addition, she regularly answers questions for the FAQ Corp., which is a prominent Reward Creator on Rewarder.com.
Added 1/16/13 -
Here's a pic of a post I made on the Facebook Group - Freelance Writing Guys and Gals
Added 1/16/13 -
Here's a pic of a post I made on the Facebook Group - Freelance Writing Guys and Gals